"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Cache = exports.InstalledBrowser = void 0; const fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs")); const os_1 = __importDefault(require("os")); const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path")); const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug")); const browser_data_js_1 = require("./browser-data/browser-data.js"); const detectPlatform_js_1 = require("./detectPlatform.js"); const debugCache = (0, debug_1.default)('puppeteer:browsers:cache'); /** * @public */ class InstalledBrowser { browser; buildId; platform; executablePath; #cache; /** * @internal */ constructor(cache, browser, buildId, platform) { this.#cache = cache; this.browser = browser; this.buildId = buildId; this.platform = platform; this.executablePath = cache.computeExecutablePath({ browser, buildId, platform, }); } /** * Path to the root of the installation folder. Use * {@link computeExecutablePath} to get the path to the executable binary. */ get path() { return this.#cache.installationDir(this.browser, this.platform, this.buildId); } readMetadata() { return this.#cache.readMetadata(this.browser); } writeMetadata(metadata) { this.#cache.writeMetadata(this.browser, metadata); } } exports.InstalledBrowser = InstalledBrowser; /** * The cache used by Puppeteer relies on the following structure: * * - rootDir * -- <browser1> | browserRoot(browser1) * ---- <platform>-<buildId> | installationDir() * ------ the browser-platform-buildId * ------ specific structure. * -- <browser2> | browserRoot(browser2) * ---- <platform>-<buildId> | installationDir() * ------ the browser-platform-buildId * ------ specific structure. * @internal */ class Cache { #rootDir; constructor(rootDir) { this.#rootDir = rootDir; } /** * @internal */ get rootDir() { return this.#rootDir; } browserRoot(browser) { return path_1.default.join(this.#rootDir, browser); } metadataFile(browser) { return path_1.default.join(this.browserRoot(browser), '.metadata'); } readMetadata(browser) { const metatadaPath = this.metadataFile(browser); if (!fs_1.default.existsSync(metatadaPath)) { return { aliases: {} }; } // TODO: add type-safe parsing. const data = JSON.parse(fs_1.default.readFileSync(metatadaPath, 'utf8')); if (typeof data !== 'object') { throw new Error('.metadata is not an object'); } return data; } writeMetadata(browser, metadata) { const metatadaPath = this.metadataFile(browser); fs_1.default.mkdirSync(path_1.default.dirname(metatadaPath), { recursive: true }); fs_1.default.writeFileSync(metatadaPath, JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 2)); } resolveAlias(browser, alias) { const metadata = this.readMetadata(browser); if (alias === 'latest') { return Object.values(metadata.aliases || {}) .sort((0, browser_data_js_1.getVersionComparator)(browser)) .at(-1); } return metadata.aliases[alias]; } installationDir(browser, platform, buildId) { return path_1.default.join(this.browserRoot(browser), `${platform}-${buildId}`); } clear() { fs_1.default.rmSync(this.#rootDir, { force: true, recursive: true, maxRetries: 10, retryDelay: 500, }); } uninstall(browser, platform, buildId) { const metadata = this.readMetadata(browser); for (const alias of Object.keys(metadata.aliases)) { if (metadata.aliases[alias] === buildId) { delete metadata.aliases[alias]; } } fs_1.default.rmSync(this.installationDir(browser, platform, buildId), { force: true, recursive: true, maxRetries: 10, retryDelay: 500, }); } getInstalledBrowsers() { if (!fs_1.default.existsSync(this.#rootDir)) { return []; } const types = fs_1.default.readdirSync(this.#rootDir); const browsers = types.filter((t) => { return Object.values(browser_data_js_1.Browser).includes(t); }); return browsers.flatMap(browser => { const files = fs_1.default.readdirSync(this.browserRoot(browser)); return files .map(file => { const result = parseFolderPath(path_1.default.join(this.browserRoot(browser), file)); if (!result) { return null; } return new InstalledBrowser(this, browser, result.buildId, result.platform); }) .filter((item) => { return item !== null; }); }); } computeExecutablePath(options) { options.platform ??= (0, detectPlatform_js_1.detectBrowserPlatform)(); if (!options.platform) { throw new Error(`Cannot download a binary for the provided platform: ${os_1.default.platform()} (${os_1.default.arch()})`); } try { options.buildId = this.resolveAlias(options.browser, options.buildId) ?? options.buildId; } catch { debugCache('could not read .metadata file for the browser'); } const installationDir = this.installationDir(options.browser, options.platform, options.buildId); return path_1.default.join(installationDir, browser_data_js_1.executablePathByBrowser[options.browser](options.platform, options.buildId)); } } exports.Cache = Cache; function parseFolderPath(folderPath) { const name = path_1.default.basename(folderPath); const splits = name.split('-'); if (splits.length !== 2) { return; } const [platform, buildId] = splits; if (!buildId || !platform) { return; } return { platform, buildId }; } //# sourceMappingURL=Cache.js.map