"use strict"; /** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC. * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.KeyToKeyCode = void 0; // TODO: Remove this once https://crrev.com/c/4548290 is stably in Chromium. // `Input.dispatchKeyboardEvent` will automatically handle these conversions. exports.KeyToKeyCode = { '0': 48, '1': 49, '2': 50, '3': 51, '4': 52, '5': 53, '6': 54, '7': 55, '8': 56, '9': 57, Abort: 3, Help: 6, Backspace: 8, Tab: 9, Numpad5: 12, NumpadEnter: 13, Enter: 13, '\\r': 13, '\\n': 13, ShiftLeft: 16, ShiftRight: 16, ControlLeft: 17, ControlRight: 17, AltLeft: 18, AltRight: 18, Pause: 19, CapsLock: 20, Escape: 27, Convert: 28, NonConvert: 29, Space: 32, Numpad9: 33, PageUp: 33, Numpad3: 34, PageDown: 34, End: 35, Numpad1: 35, Home: 36, Numpad7: 36, ArrowLeft: 37, Numpad4: 37, Numpad8: 38, ArrowUp: 38, ArrowRight: 39, Numpad6: 39, Numpad2: 40, ArrowDown: 40, Select: 41, Open: 43, PrintScreen: 44, Insert: 45, Numpad0: 45, Delete: 46, NumpadDecimal: 46, Digit0: 48, Digit1: 49, Digit2: 50, Digit3: 51, Digit4: 52, Digit5: 53, Digit6: 54, Digit7: 55, Digit8: 56, Digit9: 57, KeyA: 65, KeyB: 66, KeyC: 67, KeyD: 68, KeyE: 69, KeyF: 70, KeyG: 71, KeyH: 72, KeyI: 73, KeyJ: 74, KeyK: 75, KeyL: 76, KeyM: 77, KeyN: 78, KeyO: 79, KeyP: 80, KeyQ: 81, KeyR: 82, KeyS: 83, KeyT: 84, KeyU: 85, KeyV: 86, KeyW: 87, KeyX: 88, KeyY: 89, KeyZ: 90, MetaLeft: 91, MetaRight: 92, ContextMenu: 93, NumpadMultiply: 106, NumpadAdd: 107, NumpadSubtract: 109, NumpadDivide: 111, F1: 112, F2: 113, F3: 114, F4: 115, F5: 116, F6: 117, F7: 118, F8: 119, F9: 120, F10: 121, F11: 122, F12: 123, F13: 124, F14: 125, F15: 126, F16: 127, F17: 128, F18: 129, F19: 130, F20: 131, F21: 132, F22: 133, F23: 134, F24: 135, NumLock: 144, ScrollLock: 145, AudioVolumeMute: 173, AudioVolumeDown: 174, AudioVolumeUp: 175, MediaTrackNext: 176, MediaTrackPrevious: 177, MediaStop: 178, MediaPlayPause: 179, Semicolon: 186, Equal: 187, NumpadEqual: 187, Comma: 188, Minus: 189, Period: 190, Slash: 191, Backquote: 192, BracketLeft: 219, Backslash: 220, BracketRight: 221, Quote: 222, AltGraph: 225, Props: 247, Cancel: 3, Clear: 12, Shift: 16, Control: 17, Alt: 18, Accept: 30, ModeChange: 31, ' ': 32, Print: 42, Execute: 43, '\\u0000': 46, a: 65, b: 66, c: 67, d: 68, e: 69, f: 70, g: 71, h: 72, i: 73, j: 74, k: 75, l: 76, m: 77, n: 78, o: 79, p: 80, q: 81, r: 82, s: 83, t: 84, u: 85, v: 86, w: 87, x: 88, y: 89, z: 90, Meta: 91, '*': 106, '+': 107, '-': 109, '/': 111, ';': 186, '=': 187, ',': 188, '.': 190, '`': 192, '[': 219, '\\\\': 220, ']': 221, "'": 222, Attn: 246, CrSel: 247, ExSel: 248, EraseEof: 249, Play: 250, ZoomOut: 251, ')': 48, '!': 49, '@': 50, '#': 51, $: 52, '%': 53, '^': 54, '&': 55, '(': 57, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, G: 71, H: 72, I: 73, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, Q: 81, R: 82, S: 83, T: 84, U: 85, V: 86, W: 87, X: 88, Y: 89, Z: 90, ':': 186, '<': 188, _: 189, '>': 190, '?': 191, '~': 192, '{': 219, '|': 220, '}': 221, '"': 222, Camera: 44, EndCall: 95, VolumeDown: 182, VolumeUp: 183, }; //# sourceMappingURL=USKeyboardLayout.js.map