"use strict"; /** * Copyright 2023 Google LLC. * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ScriptProcessor = void 0; const protocol_js_1 = require("../../../protocol/protocol.js"); const PreloadScript_js_1 = require("./PreloadScript.js"); class ScriptProcessor { #eventManager; #browsingContextStorage; #realmStorage; #preloadScriptStorage; #logger; constructor(eventManager, browsingContextStorage, realmStorage, preloadScriptStorage, logger) { this.#browsingContextStorage = browsingContextStorage; this.#realmStorage = realmStorage; this.#preloadScriptStorage = preloadScriptStorage; this.#logger = logger; this.#eventManager = eventManager; this.#eventManager.addSubscribeHook(protocol_js_1.ChromiumBidi.Script.EventNames.RealmCreated, this.#onRealmCreatedSubscribeHook.bind(this)); } #onRealmCreatedSubscribeHook(contextId) { const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(contextId); const contextsToReport = [ context, ...this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(contextId).allChildren, ]; const realms = new Set(); for (const reportContext of contextsToReport) { const realmsForContext = this.#realmStorage.findRealms({ browsingContextId: reportContext.id, }); for (const realm of realmsForContext) { realms.add(realm); } } for (const realm of realms) { this.#eventManager.registerEvent({ type: 'event', method: protocol_js_1.ChromiumBidi.Script.EventNames.RealmCreated, params: realm.realmInfo, }, context.id); } return Promise.resolve(); } async addPreloadScript(params) { const contexts = this.#browsingContextStorage.verifyTopLevelContextsList(params.contexts); const preloadScript = new PreloadScript_js_1.PreloadScript(params, this.#logger); this.#preloadScriptStorage.add(preloadScript); const cdpTargets = contexts.size === 0 ? new Set(this.#browsingContextStorage .getTopLevelContexts() .map((context) => context.cdpTarget)) : new Set([...contexts.values()].map((context) => context.cdpTarget)); await preloadScript.initInTargets(cdpTargets, false); return { script: preloadScript.id, }; } async removePreloadScript(params) { const { script: id } = params; const scripts = this.#preloadScriptStorage.find({ id }); if (scripts.length === 0) { throw new protocol_js_1.NoSuchScriptException(`No preload script with id '${id}'`); } await Promise.all(scripts.map((script) => script.remove())); this.#preloadScriptStorage.remove({ id }); return {}; } async callFunction(params) { const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target); return await realm.callFunction(params.functionDeclaration, params.awaitPromise, params.this, params.arguments, params.resultOwnership, params.serializationOptions, params.userActivation); } async evaluate(params) { const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target); return await realm.evaluate(params.expression, params.awaitPromise, params.resultOwnership, params.serializationOptions, params.userActivation); } async disown(params) { const realm = await this.#getRealm(params.target); await Promise.all(params.handles.map(async (handle) => await realm.disown(handle))); return {}; } getRealms(params) { if (params.context !== undefined) { // Make sure the context is known. this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(params.context); } const realms = this.#realmStorage .findRealms({ browsingContextId: params.context, type: params.type, }) .map((realm) => realm.realmInfo); return { realms }; } async #getRealm(target) { if ('context' in target) { const context = this.#browsingContextStorage.getContext(target.context); return await context.getOrCreateSandbox(target.sandbox); } return this.#realmStorage.getRealm({ realmId: target.realm, }); } } exports.ScriptProcessor = ScriptProcessor; //# sourceMappingURL=ScriptProcessor.js.map