"use strict"; /** * Copyright 2021 Google LLC. * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.MapperServerCdpConnection = void 0; const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug")); const SimpleTransport_js_1 = require("./SimpleTransport.js"); const debugInternal = (0, debug_1.default)('bidi:mapper:internal'); const debugInfo = (0, debug_1.default)('bidi:mapper:info'); const debugOthers = (0, debug_1.default)('bidi:mapper:debug:others'); // Memorizes a debug creation const loggers = new Map(); const getLogger = (type) => { const prefix = `bidi:mapper:${type}`; let logger = loggers.get(prefix); if (!logger) { logger = (0, debug_1.default)(prefix); loggers.set(prefix, logger); } return logger; }; class MapperServerCdpConnection { #cdpConnection; #bidiSession; static async create(cdpConnection, mapperTabSource, verbose) { try { const bidiSession = await this.#initMapper(cdpConnection, mapperTabSource, verbose); return new MapperServerCdpConnection(cdpConnection, bidiSession); } catch (e) { cdpConnection.close(); throw e; } } constructor(cdpConnection, bidiSession) { this.#cdpConnection = cdpConnection; this.#bidiSession = bidiSession; } static async #sendMessage(mapperCdpClient, message) { try { await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: `onBidiMessage(${JSON.stringify(message)})`, }); } catch (error) { debugInternal('Call to onBidiMessage failed', error); } } close() { this.#cdpConnection.close(); } bidiSession() { return this.#bidiSession; } static #onBindingCalled = (params, bidiSession) => { if (params.name === 'sendBidiResponse') { bidiSession.emit('message', params.payload); } else if (params.name === 'sendDebugMessage') { this.#onDebugMessage(params.payload); } }; static #onDebugMessage = (json) => { try { const log = JSON.parse(json); if (log.logType !== undefined && log.messages !== undefined) { const logger = getLogger(log.logType); logger(log.messages); } } catch { // Fall back to raw log in case of unknown debugOthers(json); } }; static #onConsoleAPICalled = (params) => { debugInfo('consoleAPICalled: %s %O', params.type, params.args.map((arg) => arg.value)); }; static #onRuntimeExceptionThrown = (params) => { debugInfo('exceptionThrown:', params); }; static async #initMapper(cdpConnection, mapperTabSource, verbose) { debugInternal('Initializing Mapper.'); const browserClient = await cdpConnection.createBrowserSession(); // Run mapper in the first open tab. const targets = (await cdpConnection.sendCommand('Target.getTargets', {})); const mapperTabTargetId = targets.targetInfos.filter((target) => target.type === 'page')[0].targetId; const { sessionId: mapperSessionId } = await browserClient.sendCommand('Target.attachToTarget', { targetId: mapperTabTargetId, flatten: true }); const mapperCdpClient = cdpConnection.getCdpClient(mapperSessionId); // Click on the body to interact with the page in order to "beforeunload" being // triggered when the tab is closed. await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: 'document.body.click()', userGesture: true, }); // Create and activate new tab with a blank page. await browserClient.sendCommand('Target.createTarget', { url: 'about:blank', }); const bidiSession = new SimpleTransport_js_1.SimpleTransport(async (message) => await this.#sendMessage(mapperCdpClient, message)); // Process responses from the mapper tab. mapperCdpClient.on('Runtime.bindingCalled', (params) => this.#onBindingCalled(params, bidiSession)); // Forward console messages from the mapper tab. mapperCdpClient.on('Runtime.consoleAPICalled', this.#onConsoleAPICalled); // Catch unhandled exceptions in the mapper. mapperCdpClient.on('Runtime.exceptionThrown', this.#onRuntimeExceptionThrown); await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.enable'); await browserClient.sendCommand('Target.exposeDevToolsProtocol', { bindingName: 'cdp', targetId: mapperTabTargetId, }); await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.addBinding', { name: 'sendBidiResponse', }); if (verbose) { // Needed to request verbose logs from Mapper. await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.addBinding', { name: 'sendDebugMessage', }); } // Evaluate Mapper Tab sources in the tab. await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: mapperTabSource, }); // TODO: handle errors in all these evaluate calls! await mapperCdpClient.sendCommand('Runtime.evaluate', { expression: `window.runMapperInstance('${mapperTabTargetId}')`, awaitPromise: true, }); debugInternal('Mapper is launched!'); return bidiSession; } } exports.MapperServerCdpConnection = MapperServerCdpConnection; //# sourceMappingURL=MapperCdpConnection.js.map