vue-indexer / node_modules / puppeteer-core / src / util / disposable.ts
 * @license
 * Copyright 2023 Google Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

declare global {
  interface SymbolConstructor {
     * A method that is used to release resources held by an object. Called by
     * the semantics of the `using` statement.
    readonly dispose: unique symbol;

     * A method that is used to asynchronously release resources held by an
     * object. Called by the semantics of the `await using` statement.
    readonly asyncDispose: unique symbol;

  interface Disposable {
    [Symbol.dispose](): void;

  interface AsyncDisposable {
    [Symbol.asyncDispose](): PromiseLike<void>;

(Symbol as any).dispose ??= Symbol('dispose');
(Symbol as any).asyncDispose ??= Symbol('asyncDispose');

 * @internal
export const disposeSymbol: typeof Symbol.dispose = Symbol.dispose;

 * @internal
export const asyncDisposeSymbol: typeof Symbol.asyncDispose =

 * @internal
export class DisposableStack {
  #disposed = false;
  #stack: Disposable[] = [];

   * Returns a value indicating whether this stack has been disposed.
  get disposed(): boolean {
    return this.#disposed;

   * Disposes each resource in the stack in the reverse order that they were added.
  dispose(): void {
    if (this.#disposed) {
    this.#disposed = true;
    for (const resource of this.#stack.reverse()) {

   * Adds a disposable resource to the stack, returning the resource.
   * @param value - The resource to add. `null` and `undefined` will not be added,
   * but will be returned.
   * @returns The provided `value`.
  use<T extends Disposable | null | undefined>(value: T): T {
    if (value) {
    return value;

   * Adds a value and associated disposal callback as a resource to the stack.
   * @param value - The value to add.
   * @param onDispose - The callback to use in place of a `[disposeSymbol]()`
   * method. Will be invoked with `value` as the first parameter.
   * @returns The provided `value`.
  adopt<T>(value: T, onDispose: (value: T) => void): T {
      [disposeSymbol]() {
    return value;

   * Adds a callback to be invoked when the stack is disposed.
  defer(onDispose: () => void): void {
      [disposeSymbol]() {

   * Move all resources out of this stack and into a new `DisposableStack`, and
   * marks this stack as disposed.
   * @example
   * ```ts
   * class C {
   *   #res1: Disposable;
   *   #res2: Disposable;
   *   #disposables: DisposableStack;
   *   constructor() {
   *     // stack will be disposed when exiting constructor for any reason
   *     using stack = new DisposableStack();
   *     // get first resource
   *     this.#res1 = stack.use(getResource1());
   *     // get second resource. If this fails, both `stack` and `#res1` will be disposed.
   *     this.#res2 = stack.use(getResource2());
   *     // all operations succeeded, move resources out of `stack` so that
   *     // they aren't disposed when constructor exits
   *     this.#disposables = stack.move();
   *   }
   *   [disposeSymbol]() {
   *     this.#disposables.dispose();
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  move(): DisposableStack {
    if (this.#disposed) {
      throw new ReferenceError('a disposed stack can not use anything new'); // step 3
    const stack = new DisposableStack(); // step 4-5
    stack.#stack = this.#stack;
    this.#disposed = true;
    return stack;

  [disposeSymbol] = this.dispose;

  readonly [Symbol.toStringTag] = 'DisposableStack';

 * @internal
export class AsyncDisposableStack {
  #disposed = false;
  #stack: AsyncDisposable[] = [];

   * Returns a value indicating whether this stack has been disposed.
  get disposed(): boolean {
    return this.#disposed;

   * Disposes each resource in the stack in the reverse order that they were added.
  async dispose(): Promise<void> {
    if (this.#disposed) {
    this.#disposed = true;
    for (const resource of this.#stack.reverse()) {
      await resource[asyncDisposeSymbol]();

   * Adds a disposable resource to the stack, returning the resource.
   * @param value - The resource to add. `null` and `undefined` will not be added,
   * but will be returned.
   * @returns The provided `value`.
  use<T extends AsyncDisposable | null | undefined>(value: T): T {
    if (value) {
    return value;

   * Adds a value and associated disposal callback as a resource to the stack.
   * @param value - The value to add.
   * @param onDispose - The callback to use in place of a `[disposeSymbol]()`
   * method. Will be invoked with `value` as the first parameter.
   * @returns The provided `value`.
  adopt<T>(value: T, onDispose: (value: T) => Promise<void>): T {
      [asyncDisposeSymbol]() {
        return onDispose(value);
    return value;

   * Adds a callback to be invoked when the stack is disposed.
  defer(onDispose: () => Promise<void>): void {
      [asyncDisposeSymbol]() {
        return onDispose();

   * Move all resources out of this stack and into a new `DisposableStack`, and
   * marks this stack as disposed.
   * @example
   * ```ts
   * class C {
   *   #res1: Disposable;
   *   #res2: Disposable;
   *   #disposables: DisposableStack;
   *   constructor() {
   *     // stack will be disposed when exiting constructor for any reason
   *     using stack = new DisposableStack();
   *     // get first resource
   *     this.#res1 = stack.use(getResource1());
   *     // get second resource. If this fails, both `stack` and `#res1` will be disposed.
   *     this.#res2 = stack.use(getResource2());
   *     // all operations succeeded, move resources out of `stack` so that
   *     // they aren't disposed when constructor exits
   *     this.#disposables = stack.move();
   *   }
   *   [disposeSymbol]() {
   *     this.#disposables.dispose();
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  move(): AsyncDisposableStack {
    if (this.#disposed) {
      throw new ReferenceError('a disposed stack can not use anything new'); // step 3
    const stack = new AsyncDisposableStack(); // step 4-5
    stack.#stack = this.#stack;
    this.#disposed = true;
    return stack;

  [asyncDisposeSymbol] = this.dispose;

  readonly [Symbol.toStringTag] = 'AsyncDisposableStack';