/** * @license * Copyright 2023 Google Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ import {stdin as input, stdout as output} from 'process'; import * as readline from 'readline'; import ProgressBar from 'progress'; import type * as Yargs from 'yargs'; import {hideBin} from 'yargs/helpers'; import yargs from 'yargs/yargs'; import { resolveBuildId, type Browser, BrowserPlatform, type ChromeReleaseChannel, } from './browser-data/browser-data.js'; import {Cache} from './Cache.js'; import {detectBrowserPlatform} from './detectPlatform.js'; import {install} from './install.js'; import { computeExecutablePath, computeSystemExecutablePath, launch, } from './launch.js'; interface InstallBrowser { name: Browser; buildId: string; } interface InstallArgs { browser?: InstallBrowser; path?: string; platform?: BrowserPlatform; baseUrl?: string; installDeps?: boolean; } interface LaunchArgs { browser: { name: Browser; buildId: string; }; path?: string; platform?: BrowserPlatform; detached: boolean; system: boolean; } interface ClearArgs { path?: string; } /** * @public */ export class CLI { #cachePath; #rl?: readline.Interface; #scriptName = ''; #allowCachePathOverride = true; #pinnedBrowsers?: Partial<{ [key in Browser]: { buildId: string; skipDownload: boolean; }; }>; #prefixCommand?: {cmd: string; description: string}; constructor( opts?: | string | { cachePath?: string; scriptName?: string; prefixCommand?: {cmd: string; description: string}; allowCachePathOverride?: boolean; pinnedBrowsers?: Partial<{ [key in Browser]: { buildId: string; skipDownload: boolean; }; }>; }, rl?: readline.Interface ) { if (!opts) { opts = {}; } if (typeof opts === 'string') { opts = { cachePath: opts, }; } this.#cachePath = opts.cachePath ?? process.cwd(); this.#rl = rl; this.#scriptName = opts.scriptName ?? '@puppeteer/browsers'; this.#allowCachePathOverride = opts.allowCachePathOverride ?? true; this.#pinnedBrowsers = opts.pinnedBrowsers; this.#prefixCommand = opts.prefixCommand; } #defineBrowserParameter(yargs: Yargs.Argv<unknown>): void { yargs.positional('browser', { description: 'Which browser to install <browser>[@<buildId|latest>]. `latest` will try to find the latest available build. `buildId` is a browser-specific identifier such as a version or a revision.', type: 'string', coerce: (opt): InstallArgs['browser'] => { return { name: this.#parseBrowser(opt), buildId: this.#parseBuildId(opt), }; }, }); } #definePlatformParameter(yargs: Yargs.Argv<unknown>): void { yargs.option('platform', { type: 'string', desc: 'Platform that the binary needs to be compatible with.', choices: Object.values(BrowserPlatform), defaultDescription: 'Auto-detected', }); } #definePathParameter(yargs: Yargs.Argv<unknown>, required = false): void { if (!this.#allowCachePathOverride) { return; } yargs.option('path', { type: 'string', desc: 'Path to the root folder for the browser downloads and installation. The installation folder structure is compatible with the cache structure used by Puppeteer.', defaultDescription: 'Current working directory', ...(required ? {} : {default: process.cwd()}), }); if (required) { yargs.demandOption('path'); } } async run(argv: string[]): Promise<void> { const yargsInstance = yargs(hideBin(argv)); let target = yargsInstance.scriptName(this.#scriptName); if (this.#prefixCommand) { target = target.command( this.#prefixCommand.cmd, this.#prefixCommand.description, yargs => { return this.#build(yargs); } ); } else { target = this.#build(target); } await target .demandCommand(1) .help() .wrap(Math.min(120, yargsInstance.terminalWidth())) .parse(); } #build(yargs: Yargs.Argv<unknown>): Yargs.Argv<unknown> { const latestOrPinned = this.#pinnedBrowsers ? 'pinned' : 'latest'; // If there are pinned browsers allow the positional arg to be optional const browserArgType = this.#pinnedBrowsers ? '[browser]' : '<browser>'; return yargs .command( `install ${browserArgType}`, 'Download and install the specified browser. If successful, the command outputs the actual browser buildId that was installed and the absolute path to the browser executable (format: <browser>@<buildID> <path>).', yargs => { this.#defineBrowserParameter(yargs); this.#definePlatformParameter(yargs); this.#definePathParameter(yargs); yargs.option('base-url', { type: 'string', desc: 'Base URL to download from', }); if (this.#pinnedBrowsers) { yargs.example('$0 install', 'Install all pinned browsers'); } yargs.option('install-deps', { type: 'boolean', desc: 'Whether to attempt installing system dependencies (only supported on Linux, requires root privileges).', default: false, }); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome', `Install the ${latestOrPinned} available build of the Chrome browser.` ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@latest', 'Install the latest available build for the Chrome browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@stable', 'Install the latest available build for the Chrome browser from the stable channel.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@beta', 'Install the latest available build for the Chrome browser from the beta channel.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@dev', 'Install the latest available build for the Chrome browser from the dev channel.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@canary', 'Install the latest available build for the Chrome Canary browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome@115', 'Install the latest available build for Chrome 115.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chromedriver@canary', 'Install the latest available build for ChromeDriver Canary.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chromedriver@115', 'Install the latest available build for ChromeDriver 115.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chromedriver@115.0.5790', 'Install the latest available patch (115.0.5790.X) build for ChromeDriver.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome-headless-shell', 'Install the latest available chrome-headless-shell build.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome-headless-shell@beta', 'Install the latest available chrome-headless-shell build corresponding to the Beta channel.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chrome-headless-shell@118', 'Install the latest available chrome-headless-shell 118 build.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install chromium@1083080', 'Install the revision 1083080 of the Chromium browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox', 'Install the latest nightly available build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@stable', 'Install the latest stable build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@beta', 'Install the latest beta build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@devedition', 'Install the latest devedition build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@esr', 'Install the latest ESR build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@nightly', 'Install the latest nightly build of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox@stable_111.0.1', 'Install a specific version of the Firefox browser.' ); yargs.example( '$0 install firefox --platform mac', 'Install the latest Mac (Intel) build of the Firefox browser.' ); if (this.#allowCachePathOverride) { yargs.example( '$0 install firefox --path /tmp/my-browser-cache', 'Install to the specified cache directory.' ); } }, async argv => { const args = argv as unknown as InstallArgs; if (this.#pinnedBrowsers && !args.browser) { // Use allSettled to avoid scenarios that // a browser may fail early and leave the other // installation in a faulty state const result = await Promise.allSettled( Object.entries(this.#pinnedBrowsers).map( async ([browser, options]) => { if (options.skipDownload) { return; } await this.#install({ ...argv, browser: { name: browser as Browser, buildId: options.buildId, }, }); } ) ); for (const install of result) { if (install.status === 'rejected') { throw install.reason; } } } else { await this.#install(args); } } ) .command( 'launch <browser>', 'Launch the specified browser', yargs => { this.#defineBrowserParameter(yargs); this.#definePlatformParameter(yargs); this.#definePathParameter(yargs); yargs.option('detached', { type: 'boolean', desc: 'Detach the child process.', default: false, }); yargs.option('system', { type: 'boolean', desc: 'Search for a browser installed on the system instead of the cache folder.', default: false, }); yargs.example( '$0 launch chrome@115.0.5790.170', 'Launch Chrome 115.0.5790.170' ); yargs.example( '$0 launch firefox@112.0a1', 'Launch the Firefox browser identified by the milestone 112.0a1.' ); yargs.example( '$0 launch chrome@115.0.5790.170 --detached', 'Launch the browser but detach the sub-processes.' ); yargs.example( '$0 launch chrome@canary --system', 'Try to locate the Canary build of Chrome installed on the system and launch it.' ); }, async argv => { const args = argv as unknown as LaunchArgs; const executablePath = args.system ? computeSystemExecutablePath({ browser: args.browser.name, // TODO: throw an error if not a ChromeReleaseChannel is provided. channel: args.browser.buildId as ChromeReleaseChannel, platform: args.platform, }) : computeExecutablePath({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, platform: args.platform, }); launch({ executablePath, detached: args.detached, }); } ) .command( 'clear', this.#allowCachePathOverride ? 'Removes all installed browsers from the specified cache directory' : `Removes all installed browsers from ${this.#cachePath}`, yargs => { this.#definePathParameter(yargs, true); }, async argv => { const args = argv as unknown as ClearArgs; const cacheDir = args.path ?? this.#cachePath; const rl = this.#rl ?? readline.createInterface({input, output}); rl.question( `Do you want to permanently and recursively delete the content of ${cacheDir} (yes/No)? `, answer => { rl.close(); if (!['y', 'yes'].includes(answer.toLowerCase().trim())) { console.log('Cancelled.'); return; } const cache = new Cache(cacheDir); cache.clear(); console.log(`${cacheDir} cleared.`); } ); } ) .demandCommand(1) .help(); } #parseBrowser(version: string): Browser { return version.split('@').shift() as Browser; } #parseBuildId(version: string): string { const parts = version.split('@'); return parts.length === 2 ? parts[1]! : this.#pinnedBrowsers ? 'pinned' : 'latest'; } async #install(args: InstallArgs) { args.platform ??= detectBrowserPlatform(); if (!args.browser) { throw new Error(`No browser arg proveded`); } if (!args.platform) { throw new Error(`Could not resolve the current platform`); } if (args.browser.buildId === 'pinned') { const options = this.#pinnedBrowsers?.[args.browser.name]; if (!options || !options.buildId) { throw new Error(`No pinned version found for ${args.browser.name}`); } args.browser.buildId = options.buildId; } const originalBuildId = args.browser.buildId; args.browser.buildId = await resolveBuildId( args.browser.name, args.platform, args.browser.buildId ); await install({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, platform: args.platform, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, downloadProgressCallback: makeProgressCallback( args.browser.name, args.browser.buildId ), baseUrl: args.baseUrl, buildIdAlias: originalBuildId !== args.browser.buildId ? originalBuildId : undefined, installDeps: args.installDeps, }); console.log( `${args.browser.name}@${args.browser.buildId} ${computeExecutablePath({ browser: args.browser.name, buildId: args.browser.buildId, cacheDir: args.path ?? this.#cachePath, platform: args.platform, })}` ); } } /** * @public */ export function makeProgressCallback( browser: Browser, buildId: string ): (downloadedBytes: number, totalBytes: number) => void { let progressBar: ProgressBar; let lastDownloadedBytes = 0; return (downloadedBytes: number, totalBytes: number) => { if (!progressBar) { progressBar = new ProgressBar( `Downloading ${browser} ${buildId} - ${toMegabytes( totalBytes )} [:bar] :percent :etas `, { complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: totalBytes, } ); } const delta = downloadedBytes - lastDownloadedBytes; lastDownloadedBytes = downloadedBytes; progressBar.tick(delta); }; } function toMegabytes(bytes: number) { const mb = bytes / 1000 / 1000; return `${Math.round(mb * 10) / 10} MB`; }